Tito Satya July 30 2009 Part 1/3
Tito Satya July 30 2009 Part 2/3
Tito Satya July 30 2009 Part 3/3
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July 31, 2009
लन्डनमा शाहरुखको बीस मिलियन डलरको घर

बलिउडका बादशाहको रूपमा हेरिनथालेका अभिनेता शाहरूख खानले हालै लन्डनमा एक फ्ल्याट किनेका छन्।
उनले मध्यलन्डन पार्क लेन इलाकामा २० मिलियन डलर मूल्यको घर किनेको एजेन्सीले जनाएको छ। वर्षा एकपटक सपरिवार लन्डन पुग्ने शाहरूखले अब भने लन्डनमै घर किनेका हुन्।
उनले हालसम्म विदेशमा बलिउडका कलाकारले किन्ने गरेको घरमध्ये सबैभन्दा बढी मूल्यमा सो घर किनेका हुन्। उनले दुबईमा पनि घर किनेका छन्। शाहरूखलाई हालै लन्डनमा कला र संस्कृतिमा योगदान पुर्याएबापत मानार्थ डक्टरेटको उपाधि पनि प्रदान गरिएको थियो। जसले उनलाई घर किन्नका लागि अझ सहज बनाएको थियो।
ज्याक्सनको कपाल हीरा बनाइने

विश्वप्रसिद्ध पपकिङ माइकल ज्याक्सनको निधन भए तापनि उनका प्रशंसकले उनलाई हरेक ठाउँमा हेने चाहना राख्न थालेका छन्।
यसैलाई मध्यनजर गरी सिकागोको एक कम्पनीले ज्याक्सनको कपाललाई हीरा बनाउने भएको छ। लाइफजेम कम्पनीले ज्याक्सनको कपालको एक झुप्पाबाट आधा क्यारेटको १० वटा हीरा बनाउने योजना बनाएको एजेन्सीले जनाएको छ।
माइकलको सो कपाल सन् १९८४ मा एक विज्ञापनको सुटिङका दौरान जलेको थियो। कम्पनीले हीरालाई निजी तरिकाले बेच्ने भएको छ। जसमा एउटा हीराचाहिँ माइकलका तीन सन्तानलाई निःशुल्क दिइने भएको छ। माइकलका सन्तानलाई हीरा दिन पाउँदा आफूहरू आभारी हुने कम्पनीका अधिकृतले जनाएका छन्।
कम्पनीका अधिकृतका अनुसार कपाललाई ४ हजार ५ सय ड्रि्री तापमा राखेपछि कार्बनमा बदलिनेछ। त्यसपछि यसलाई क्रिस्टलीकरण गरी हीराको रूप दिन सम्भव हुन्छ। यो प्रकृया अपनाउन करिब ६ देखि ९ महिनासम्म लाग्नेछ, जुन प्राकृतिक प्रक्रियाभन्दा धेरै छोटो अवधि हुने समाचारमा उल्लेख छ।
मेगन पाको प्रेमीको खोजीमा

कैयौं अभिनेताका साथ डेटिङको चर्चामा रहेकी हलिउड अभिनेत्री मेगन फक्स नयाँ प्रेमीको खोजीमा छिन्।
२३ वषीर्या मेगनको ब्राइन आस्टिन ग्रिकसँग इन्गेजमेन्ट गरिसकेपछि पनि सम्बन्ध टुटेकाले उनी अर्को नयाँ प्रेमीको खोजीमा रहेको एजेन्सीले जनाएको छ।
चार वर्षघि नै इन्गेजमेन्ट गरेको यो जोडी केही समयअघि अलग भएको थियो।
उनीहरू दुवैलै अब आ-आफ्नो क्यारियरमा ध्यान दिने भने पनि हाल फेरि मेगन नयाँ साथीको खोजीमा रहेको समाचारमा चर्चा गरिएको छ। उनी त्यस्तो साथीको खोजीमा छिन्, जो एक अन्जान र आकर्ष होस्। आफूभन्दा पाको उमेरको युवकलाई मन पराउने मेगनले कलाकारलाई पनि एक यौनकर्मीसरह दाँज्न थालेपछि पछिल्लो समयमा उनी आलोचित बनेकी थिइन्।
Vodafone opens retail store in Al Khor
DOHA: Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
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Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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opened yesterday their retail store in Al Khor, its first retail store outside of Doha. The store is located in Al Mohanady Area, New Al Khor road.
"At Vodafone we would like to ensure that we're supporting local communities all around Qatar. This is another world class store dedicated to serving the local community in Al Khor. I would encourage customers to experience in-store Vodafone's world-class services, that include making local phone calls, sending SMS messages, trying our new Mobile Internet and trying out a range of fully working handsets- all for free in this new store," said Daniel Horan, Director of Consumer Business Unit, and Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
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Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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To celebrate the opening of their stores, Vodafone is running a limited time offer, giving customers even more. All customers who join Vodafone at one of their retail stores will receive a QR50 discount to purchase merchandise, mobile phones and accessories. If three people or more join at the same time Vodafone will give each person QR100 to spend in store.
In addition, new customers who sign up to Vodafone's store in Al Khor can take advantage of Vodafone's amazing 1st International calling promotion. Customers can call anywhere in the world for just 50 Dirhams per minute - to any country, any network, anytime! This promotion is valid until the end of September.
Vodafone will be making several new exciting announcements shortly.
Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
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Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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is the holder of the second public mobile telecommunications networks and services license in t Qatar granted on June 29, 2008.
Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
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Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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's mission is to "Make A World of Difference for the People in Qatar" by aiming to become "the Number One brand in Qatar in three years."
The Peninsula 2009 (QATAR)
Qatar | Telecommunications
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Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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opened yesterday their retail store in Al Khor, its first retail store outside of Doha. The store is located in Al Mohanady Area, New Al Khor road.
"At Vodafone we would like to ensure that we're supporting local communities all around Qatar. This is another world class store dedicated to serving the local community in Al Khor. I would encourage customers to experience in-store Vodafone's world-class services, that include making local phone calls, sending SMS messages, trying our new Mobile Internet and trying out a range of fully working handsets- all for free in this new store," said Daniel Horan, Director of Consumer Business Unit, and Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
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Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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To celebrate the opening of their stores, Vodafone is running a limited time offer, giving customers even more. All customers who join Vodafone at one of their retail stores will receive a QR50 discount to purchase merchandise, mobile phones and accessories. If three people or more join at the same time Vodafone will give each person QR100 to spend in store.
In addition, new customers who sign up to Vodafone's store in Al Khor can take advantage of Vodafone's amazing 1st International calling promotion. Customers can call anywhere in the world for just 50 Dirhams per minute - to any country, any network, anytime! This promotion is valid until the end of September.
Vodafone will be making several new exciting announcements shortly.
Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
Quote | Chart | News | Profile
Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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is the holder of the second public mobile telecommunications networks and services license in t Qatar granted on June 29, 2008.
Vodafone QatarVodafone QatarVodafone Qatar
Qatar | Telecommunications
Quote | Chart | News | Profile
Last: 10.400 QAR +0.30 +2.970%
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's mission is to "Make A World of Difference for the People in Qatar" by aiming to become "the Number One brand in Qatar in three years."
The Peninsula 2009 (QATAR)
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