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August 1, 2009
लोकतन्त्रमा टुहुरो जलस्रोत
रामसार सीमसार महासन्धिमा दरएिको कोसी टप्पु वन्यजन्तु आरक्षको सिमाना खुम्च्याउने काम मुग्लानी इच्छाको भरमा हाम्रा सरोकारवाला वन, जलस्रोत र रक्षा मन्त्रलायलाई थाहै नदिईकन 'विदेशी प्रभुको सामु नझुक्ने' प्रचण्ड-वामदेव सरकारले ठाडो क्याबिनेट प्रस्तावद्वारा सुटुक्क गरेको यसै साप्ताहिकमार्फत गत साता खुलासा भयो । गत साता नै नेपाल र भारतका मन्त्रीहरूले तल्लो कोसीमा यस सन्धिले निम्त्याएको विपत्ति अवलोकन गरी सन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गरे ।
तर, यस विषयमा सिमाना मिचियो भनेर कालापानीमा खुकुरी नचाउने, सुस्तामा झन्डा फहराउने र टनकपुरमा आधा किलोमिटर नेपाली भूभाग मिचिएकामा बबन्डर मच्चाउनेदेखि लिएर विपक्षको ओहदा ओगटेकासम्म कसैले बोलेको सुन्नमा आएको छैन । जबकि, यसले अन्तरमि संविधानको धारा १५६ -२०४७ सालको धारा १२६) आकर्षण गर्छ । के त्यो धारा सँगसँगै नेपालको राष्ट्रिय स्वाभिमान लोकतान्त्रिक बाढीले बगाएर लगेको हो त ?
विसं ०४६ को जनआन्दोलन र त्यसद्वारा ०४७ को संविधानको धारा १२६ नेपाली जलस्रोतलाई उपनिवेशीकरणबाट जोगाई स्वावलम्बी बाटोतर्फ डोर्याउने सशक्त संस्थागत औजार थियो । जलस्रोत विकासका योजनाहरू संसद्मा पेस हुनुपर्ने र व्यापक गम्भीर र दीर्घकालीन खालका भए राष्ट्रिय सहमति आवश्यक हुनुपर्ने अत्यन्तै प्रजातान्त्रिक व्यवस्था यस प्रावधानले गरेको थियो । नेपालमा कमजोर शासन भएका बेला आफू अनुकूलका योजनाहरू थोपर्न सफल मुग्लानी साहूलाई यो प्रावधान मन नपर्ने त थिँदै थियो, पारकिो साहूलाई खुसी पारी सत्तारोहण गर्ने हाम्रै नेता र आर्थिक वृद्धिदरले उतै लगानी गरे बढी फाइदा देख्ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय वित्तीय संस्थानहरू र तीसँग हिमचिममा रहेका विकासे व्यापारीले पनि यसलाई रुचाएनन् । फलस्वरूप धारा १२६ तुहाउने खेल महाकाली सन्धि हुनुअगावै प्रारम्भ भइसकेको थियो ।
महाकाली सन्धि जबरजस्ती दुईतिहाइ बहुमतले पारति त गरयिो तर गलत ढंगले गरेको हुनाले त्यो अचेत अवस्थामै रही दसवर्षे आयु काट्यो । सीमा नदीको हैसियत, नेपालको पानी अधिकार जम्मा चार प्रतिशतसम्ममा सीमित हुनसक्ने खतराजस्ता सन्धिका अन्योल र विसंगतिहरूलाई नसच्याई एकतर्फी ढंगले संकल्प प्रस्तावमार्फत त्यसको पुनःव्याख्या गरयिो । अध्ययनपछि सन्धि गर्नुको सट्टा सन्धिपछि अध्ययन गर्ने भनियो । त्यो पनि विवादास्पद व्याख्याभित्र रही, जसले गर्दा सन्धिमै तोकिएको अध्ययन पनि हुन सकेको छैन । अब त सन्धिले तोकेको दसवर्षे आयु पनि सकिएकाले तीन वर्षदेखि यो सन्धि मृतप्रायः छ । र, त्यसलाई पुनःजीवित गर्न जसरी अनुमोदन गरयिो, त्यसैगरी संसद्को दुईतिहाइ बहुमत चाहिन्छ । तर, त्यसका लागि आवश्यक चिन्तन, ढंग र इच्छाशक्तिको राजनीतिक खडेरी खासगरी ठूला पार्टीहरूमा रहेकाले क्यान्सर स्वरूपको यो दीर्घरोग नेपालमा रहिरहने छ ।
पारपिट्ट िभने 'हाइड्रोपोलिटिक्स्'को खेल जारी छ र हाम्रा कुर्सीको राजनीतिमा मात्र सीमित रहेका नेताहरू त्यसमा फस्दै गएका छन् । अरूको त कुरा छोडौँ, 'असमान महाकाली सन्धि खारेज गर' भनेर जनयुद्ध सुरु गर्ने माओवादीको भाषामा सत्तारोहणपछि 'पञ्चेश्वर अगाडि बढाउने' मधुरध्वनिहरू सुनिए । प्रचण्डको सरकारलाई विस्थापित गरेर आएको वर्तमान गठबन्धन सरकारले बजेटमा पञ्चेश्वर ब्यूँताउने प्रावधान राख्दा प्रतिपक्षी माओवादी बोल्दैन । प्रतिष्ठित पत्रकार र नागरकि अगुवाहरूले पनि महाकाली सन्धि विरोध गर्नेहरूलाई विरोधको सट्टा सहयोग गर्न सिक्ने सल्लाह दिइरहेका छन् । मानौँ, नेपालको गाउँ डुबाएर मुग्लानका फाँट सित्तैँजसोमा सिँचाइ गर्ने योजनाको विरोध गर्दा 'खोक्रा राष्ट्रवादीहरू ! करणी अवश्यंभावी भएकाले मोज गर्न सिक' भनेझैँ लाग्छ ।
यस्तो सोचाइमा परविर्तन कहिले र कसरी आयो भन्ने अनुसन्धान गर्दा बहुमत प्राप्त नेपाली कांगे्रसको सरकार हाँकिरहेका प्रधानमन्त्री कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईलाई चैत ०५६ मा जबरजस्ती अपदस्थ गरेको घटनासँग जोडिन पुग्छ । कुनै कसुर नगरेका, बरु जसको नाममा कांग्रेसले चुनाव जित्यो, तिनैलाई प|mान्सको आसन्न औपचारकि भ्रमणसमेत रद्द गर्न लगाई किन हठात् निकाल्नुपर्यो ? यसबारेमा आजसम्म नेपाली जनतालाई नेपाली कांग्रेसले प्रस्ट्याउन सकेको छैन । त्यसपछि प्रधानमन्त्री भएका गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइरालाको कार्यकालमा दरबार हत्याकाण्ड भयो र उनी स्वयंले होलेरीमा ४१ प्रहरीलाई माओवादीले बन्दी बनाएको घटनालाई लिएर राजीनामा गरे । गणितीय बहुमतमा रहेको कांग्रेसले त्यसपछि एउटै संसद्मा तेस्रोचोटि प्रधानमन्त्री फेर्यो । आफ्नै सन्त सहयोगीको राजनीतिक घाँटी निमोठ्न संकोच नमान्ने र गएको चुनावमा आफ्नो पार्टीले नराम्रोसँग हार खेपेपछि महिनौँ पद नछोड्ने व्यक्तिले ४१ जना प्रहरीका लागि प्रधानमन्त्री पद त्यागे भनेर पत्याउन सकिँदैन ।
कुरा अब खुल्दैछ, जुन पछि गएर जलस्रोतसित जोडिन्छ । केही महिनाअघि सिंगापुरबाट पूर्वयुवराज पारस शाहले दरबार हत्याकाण्डबारे अन्तर्वार्तामा केही खुलाएका थिए । हुन त पारस भन्नेबित्तिकै नाक चेपर्याउने र मुन्टो बटार्ने धेरै छन्, सायद त्यही भावनाले गर्दा सो अन्तर्वार्ताको विश्लेषण नगरएिको होला । तर, हत्याकाण्डपछाडिका कारक तत्त्व देवयानी-ऐश्वर्य कटाक्ष, दीपेन्द्रले ०४६ को बहुदल घोषणा आत्मसात् गर्न नमानेको र सेनालाई हतियार खरदिबाट आउने कमिसन रहेको पारसले खुलासा गरेका छन् । पहिला दुई व्यक्तिगत मनोवैज्ञानिक भए पनि तेस्रोचाहिँ सार्वजनिक चासोको विषय हो । भट्टराईको अपदस्थी, कोइरालाको अपत्यारलिो राजीनामा र त्यसपछिका प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवा दक्षिण अपि|mका प्रस्थान गरेका भए पनि हतियार किनमेललाई लिएर बेल्जियममै हराउनु रहस्यमय घटनाहरू हुन् ।
यी घटनाहरू जनआन्दोलन-२ को प्रारम्भसित जोडिएको थप प्रमाण एक राष्ट्रिय पत्रिकामा उजागर गरएिको छ, जहाँ दाबी गरएिको छ कि ०६१ सालमा गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइराला चीन भ्रमण सकी काठमाडौँ नफर्की सोझैँ दिल्लीतर्फ हानिएका थिए, जहाँ भारतीय संस्थापन पक्षले आफ्नो पहलमा उनलाई पहिलोपटक विद्रोही माओवादी नेताहरूसँग भेटघाट गराएको थियो । स्मरणीय तथ्य केे छ भने त्यसबखत प्रधानमन्त्री -उनीपछिका) देउवा नै थिए, जो संकटकाल लागू गराएर विद्रोहीसँग युद्ध गर्दै थिए र भारतले पनि माओवादीलाई आतंककारी घोषित गरेको थियो । यस हिमचिमले केही समयपछि १२ बुँदे दिल्ली समझदारीको रूप लियो । अन्य भाषामा 'टि्रसन' भनिने यो कार्य पटकपटक प्रधानमन्त्री भइसकेका व्यक्तिले विदेशीको अगुवाइमा किन गरे भन्ने प्रश्न अगाडि आउँछ । र, सबैभन्दा सरल 'हाइपोथेसिस' त्यही हुन्छ, जसले सबैभन्दा धेरै अथ्र्याउँछ, त्यो हो- एक कांग्रेस नेताको भाषामा, जोसित जे सम्झौता गरेर भए पनि सत्तारोहण गरी छाड्ने अठोट ।
यस अठोटसँगै जन्मेको सात पार्टीको एकता र माओवादीसँगको १२ बुँदे समझदारीमार्फतको सहकार्यलाई सहयोग गर्न अघोषित रूपमा मुग्लानी सर्तनामा तीनवटा थिए । पहिलो, ३० लाखलाई नागरकिता दिने । यस मामिलाबारे प्रमाणित तराईका बासिन्दालाई नागरकिता दिन कसैको आपत्ति नभए पनि प्रसस्त भारतीयहरूले नागरकिता लिए, खासगरी पश्चिममा पिलिभितदेखि पूर्वमा सिलिगुडीसम्मका अपराधी तत्त्वहरूले । यसले नेपालको राजनीतिलाई उलटपलट गरेको विगतको चुनावमा देखियो र तराईमा बढेको आपराधिक क्रियाकलापले गर्दा उत्तरी भारतलाई समेत गाँज्ने देखिँदैछ ।
दोस्रो सर्तनामा सुपुर्दगी सन्धि थियो । तर, सन्धिबिना नै र अदालतको आदेश नमागीकनै हाम्रा नेताहरू जोसुकैलाई पनि सुम्पिन तँछाडमछाड गररिहेको स्िथतिमा सन्धि नभईकन पनि स्वतन्त्र नेपालले मुग्लानलाई अपूर्व सेवा पुर्याइरहेको स्िथति छ ।
तेस्रो सर्तनामा जलस्रोत रहेको देखिन्छ । यसको पहिलो प्रमाण पुनःस्थापित प्रतिनिधिसभाले दियो । '२ सय ३८ वर्ष'को अस्ितत्व मेट्ने गरी पारति ऐनहरू राजाबाट लालमोहर लगाउन नपर्ने व्यवस्था गर्न संसद् नियमावली फेरयिो । तर, सँगसँगै दफा १३६, २३० र २३२ का प्रावधानहरूले 'सम्पूर्ण सदस्य संख्याको कम्तीमा दुईतिहाइको उपस्िथतिमा उपस्िथत सदस्य संख्याको दुईतिहाइ बहुमतबाट स्वीकृत भएमा विधेयक पारति भएको मानिने छ' भनेको छ । अर्थात्, बहुमतमा चल्ने लोकतान्त्रिक पद्धतिमा जाबो ४४ प्रतिशतले जलस्र्रोत मुग्लानी साहूलाई सुम्पिन सक्ने भयो । यसै व्यवस्थामा माओवादी पनि सम्मिश्रति हुन आयो र सरकारमा गएपछिका क्रियाकलापले जनआन्दोलन-२ को समर्थनका लागि साहूले तेस्र्याएका सर्तनामाहरू शिरोधार्य गरेको प्रमाणित गर्यो ।
माओवादी सम्मिलित सरकारले नेपाली विद्युत् प्रणालीलाई अत्यावश्यक अरूण-३, माथिल्लो कणर्ालीजस्ता 'साइट'हरू नेपाल र नेपाली उद्योगधन्दालाई नभई विदेश निर्यात गर्नाका लागि दान गरििदयो । पुनःजीवित प्रतिनिधिसभामा पश्चिम सेती आयोजनाबारे ढिलै भए पनि बहस चल्यो र नेपालले सित्तैँमा पाउनुपर्ने १० प्रतिशत बिजुली नै पाउनुपर्ने भन्ने स्वागतयोग्य निर्णय गर्यो । तर, त्यो निर्णय न त्यसबखतको माओवादी सम्मिलित कांग्रेस नेतृत्वको सरकारले कार्यान्वयन गर्यो, न त्यसपछिको माओवादी-एमाले सरकारले । उल्टै अस्ट्रेलियाको लाइसेन्सवाला कम्पनीसँग भएको विद्यमान सहमतिबमोजिम नेपालले एक थोपा पानी र बिजुली नपाउने यस योजनामा नेपाल सरकारले चर्को ब्याजदरमा साढे चार करोड अमेरकिी डलर लगानी गर्ने भएको छ । मुलुकले भोगिरहेको चर्को लोडसेडिङ् अन्त्य गर्न भने त्यस्तो कुनै जोहो तीनैवटा लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारले गरेका छैनन् । त्यसैले पारकिो साहू मात्रै नभई समुद्रपारकिा साहूहरू पनि यस्तो राजनीतिक परपिाटीसँग खुसी नै हुनुपर्छ ।
अहिले कणर्ाली आयोजनाबाट उत्पादन हुने १० हजार मेगावाट बिजुली स्याटेलाइटमार्फत चीन पठाउने भन्ने व्यक्ति नेपालको प्रधानमन्त्री पदमा आसन्न छन् । उनी भर्खरै मात्रै इजिप्टमा असंलग्न राष्ट्रहरूको शिखर सम्मेलनमा भाग लिएर स्वदेश फर्केका छन् । त्यस आन्दोलनले प्रतिपादित गरेको स्वावलम्बी अर्थराजनीतिक विकास उनले कति आत्मसात् गरे, आगामी दिनहरूले बताउलान् ।
तर, अहिलेसम्मको लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारहरूको क्रियाकलाप हेर्दा आश गर्ने ठाउँ कमै देखिन्छ । लोडसेडिङ् जारी नै छ र आउने हिउँदमा दिनको छ घन्टा मात्र बिजुली पाइने समस्या टड्कारो अगाडि छ । विद्युत् संकटकाल घोषणा त गरयिो तर त्यस अनुरूप कुनै काम भएन, पुष्पकमल दाहाल टोलीको नर्वे र फिनल्यान्ड भ्रमणबाहेक । भारतबाट बिजुली आयात गर्ने भनिन्छ तर भारतमै १० हजार मेगावाटको कमी छ र चार सय किलो भोल्टको प्रसारण लाइन बनाउनै दुई वर्ष लाग्छ, त्यो पनि भारतले चासो राखेमा । विद्युत् महसुलमा संरचनागत सुधार र समायोजन नभएको नौ वर्ष भयो । विद्युत् व्यवस्थापनमा सुधार ल्याउन नयाँ ऐन आवश्यक छ तर यसअघिको सरकारले पेस गरेको विद्युत् ऐन यति त्रुटिपूर्ण छ कि त्यसको फेहरस्ितमै सात-आठ पृष्ठ खर्च हुन्छ । सबैभन्दा डरलाग्दो कुरो त्यो प्रस्तावित ऐन त्यही रूपमा पारति भए जलविद्युत्मार्फत नेपाल उपनिवेश बन्ने पक्का छ । र, साम्यवादी-समाजवादीहरूले स्वतन्त्र राष्ट्रलाई उपनिवेश बनाएको हेर्दा विश्व नै छक्क पर्नेछ । जलविद्युत्का कतिपय योजनाहरू पानीका मुद्दासँग अभिन्न सरोकार राख्छन् तर जलस्रोत मन्त्रालयलाई ऊर्जा र सिँचाइ भनी दुई भिन्दाभिन्दै मन्त्रालय बनाइएको छ । यो काम कुनै विषयवस्तुको कारण नभई विशुद्ध पार्टी कार्यकर्तालाई मन्त्रीको कुर्सी दिलाउन र पार्टीहरूलाई भागबन्डा मिलाउनका लागि भएको छ । अब पञ्चेश्वर, कोसी, कणर्ालीजस्ता बहुउद्देशीय योजनाबारे कुन मन्त्रालयले मुग्लानी सरकारसँग कुरा गर्ने ?
यस्तो परििस्थतिलाई अनुभूत गरेर मर्माहत हुने यो देशलाई माया गर्ने मात्र हुन्छन्, अरू भने संकटकालमा यस्तै हो भनेर चित्त बुझाउन सक्छन् । जबकि, देश संकट अन्त्य हुनेतर्फ नगई महासंकटतर्फ रफ्तारएिको भान हुँदैछ ।
A jamboree after 18 yrs Maoist general convention set for Jan. 29
KATHMANU, Aug 1 - The month-long Central Committee (CC) meeting of the Unified CPN (Maoist) concluded on Saturday, setting Jan. 29 as the date for the party's first general convention (GC) and passing a 15-point Code of Conduct (CoC).
The UCPN (Maoist) general convention is due for the last 18 years since it took place in the Indian state of Punjab.
“The CoC, which was brought forth after the party rank and file started expressing dissatisfaction over the changing lifestyle of the party leadership, will be made public on Sunday,” said Maoist spokesman Dina Nath Sharma.
Though no details were publicised, Sharma said the CoC has it that the party itself will appropriate the property of party leadership.
Voices from within the Maoist party protested lavish lifestyle of the party top brass following the peace agreement and Maoists' accession to the government. According to Sharma, the code of conduct is expected to address the disparity in living standards of the leaders and party cadre.
Terming the CC meet an historic and exceptional event, Sharma said, “Held in a very turbulent time, we had outstanding discussions on several party agendas, including deciding on centralisation of ideology and leadership and finalisation of the party's future strategy, the CC meeting came out to be exceptionally fruitful.”
The CC meet also decided that the party would continue with its struggle to establish 'civilian supremacy' and people-oriented republic.
“For lasting peace and people's republic, we will continue our struggle from the street as well as parliament and the party has already given directives to party rank and file to this effect,” Sharma added.
The CC meet also underscored the need for a national unity government to take the peace process to a logical conclusion and draft the statute on time. Sharma said that Maoists will continue to struggle if other parties do not buy their idea of forming a national unity government.
The meeting also decided to launch a public health campaign under the coordination of former health minister Giriraj Mani Pokhrel to fight the diarrhoea epidemic in the Mid West. ( The Kathmandu Post)
The UCPN (Maoist) general convention is due for the last 18 years since it took place in the Indian state of Punjab.
“The CoC, which was brought forth after the party rank and file started expressing dissatisfaction over the changing lifestyle of the party leadership, will be made public on Sunday,” said Maoist spokesman Dina Nath Sharma.
Though no details were publicised, Sharma said the CoC has it that the party itself will appropriate the property of party leadership.
Voices from within the Maoist party protested lavish lifestyle of the party top brass following the peace agreement and Maoists' accession to the government. According to Sharma, the code of conduct is expected to address the disparity in living standards of the leaders and party cadre.
Terming the CC meet an historic and exceptional event, Sharma said, “Held in a very turbulent time, we had outstanding discussions on several party agendas, including deciding on centralisation of ideology and leadership and finalisation of the party's future strategy, the CC meeting came out to be exceptionally fruitful.”
The CC meet also decided that the party would continue with its struggle to establish 'civilian supremacy' and people-oriented republic.
“For lasting peace and people's republic, we will continue our struggle from the street as well as parliament and the party has already given directives to party rank and file to this effect,” Sharma added.
The CC meet also underscored the need for a national unity government to take the peace process to a logical conclusion and draft the statute on time. Sharma said that Maoists will continue to struggle if other parties do not buy their idea of forming a national unity government.
The meeting also decided to launch a public health campaign under the coordination of former health minister Giriraj Mani Pokhrel to fight the diarrhoea epidemic in the Mid West. ( The Kathmandu Post)
Phelps sets world record, beats Cavic in 100 fly
ROME – Michael Phelps beat Milorad Cavic again. No doubt about it. With a defiant performance in a supposedly inferior suit, Phelps stayed close over the outward lap and rallied on the return to become the first swimmer to break 50 seconds in the 100-meter butterfly, beating the Serbian with a time of 49.82.
Cavic also broke 50 seconds, but 49.95 only got him a silver — and plenty of words to eat. He wasn't nearly as close as last year's Beijing Olympics, when Phelps famously won by one-hundredth of a second and Cavic always maintained that he actually touched first.
"That satisfied me a little bit," Phelps quipped with that crooked grin of his. "I set it up perfectly."
When Phelps saw his time at the Foro Italico, he hopped up on the lane rope separating him and Cavic, threw up his arms and let out a scream toward his mom and sister in the stands.
Showing as much emotion as he ever has, Phelps also slapped the water and tugged at his Speedo LZR Racer swimsuit — no doubt in reference to Cavic offering to get Phelps one of those supposedly faster polyurethane suits so he wouldn't have any excuses.
No need, Milorad.
Phelps did just fine with his own attire.
"It doesn't matter what suit you wear," Phelps said. "It matters how you train."
The two rivals finally shook hands, but that was about it.
Nothing more needed to be said.
"He congratulated me and kind of smiled a bit, but I have a feeling that our battle is going to go back and forth for a while," Phelps said.
Cavic did say one thing to Phelps: "You're the man."
"He just looked at me and smiled," Cavic said. "He knows it."
In one of the most memorable events of the Beijing Olympics, Phelps pulled out an improbable victory on his final half-stroke to beat Cavic by the narrowest possible margin. Without that win, Phelps would not have broken Mark Spitz's record with eight gold medals in a single games.
Cavic has stewed over the loss ever since, believing he touched first but didn't put as much pressure on the touchpad as Phelps, who ad-libbed an extra lunge and crashed into the wall much harder. Even though all electronic and photographic evidence shows Phelps won, Cavic repeated his claims when he got to Rome.
He also tried to get into Phelps' head, saying it was the American's own fault for sticking with a Speedo suit that isn't as fast as polyurethane models such as the Arena X-Glide, which Cavic wears.
The Serbian offered to get Phelps an X-Glide "within the hour," or buy him another of the rubberized suits out of his own pocket. Cavic said he would really prefer to race Phelps wearing nothing but briefs, so everyone would know who the best man is without any help from the suits.
Phelps said he would do his talking in the pool.
"He loves the big races, loves the energy," said his coach, Bob Bowman. "He sort of thrives on that, while some other swimmers don't."
Phelps set his second world record of the fastest meet in history and got back the mark Cavic snatched away a night earlier with a time of 51.01 in the semifinals.
Phelps also won his fourth gold medal of the championships, to go along with that silver he grudgingly accepted after losing to Germany's Paul Biedermann in the 200 free. Phelps has one event left — the 400 medley relay Sunday night, assuming the U.S. doesn't mess up in the morning prelims. The Americans will be a heavy favorite in that one, as always.
Three other world records were set Saturday, bringing the total to 39 with one day left at the final meet for high-tech bodysuits.
Kirsty Coventry of Zimbabwe took down her own mark in the 200 backstroke, winning in 2 minutes, 4.81 seconds. Russia's Anastasia Zueva also went under Coventry's old mark of 2:05.24, but 2:04.94 was only good enough for the silver. American Elizabeth Beisel claimed bronze.
China claimed the record in the women's 400-meter medley relay. Li Zhesi finished it off in 3:52.19 to beat the mark set by Australia (3:52.69) at the Beijing Olympics. The Aussies also went under the old mark, settling for silver in 3:52.58. Germany took the bronze.
The winning team also included Zhao Jing, Chen Huijia and Jiao Liuyang.
In a semifinal heat of a non-Olympic event, Britain's Liam Tancock set a world record of 24.08 in the 50 backstroke, eclipsing the mark of 24.33 held by American Randall Bal. Junya Koga of Japan also went under the previous record time to win the second heat at 24.29. The final is Sunday night.
Cesar Cielo of Brazil completed a sweep of the freestyle sprints with the 50-meter title. Cielo added to his title in the 100 with a one-lap time of 21.08 to hold off world-record holder Fred Bousquet (21.21) and fellow Frenchman Amaury Leveaux (21.25).
Managing to win world titles without world records: Australia's Marieke Guehrer in the women's 50 fly and Lotte Friis of Denmark in the women's 800 freestyle. Olympic champion and 800 world-record holder Rebecca Adlington finished fourth.
After switching suits, going from Speedo to Jaked, 42-year-old American Dara Torres barely managed to qualify for the final of the 50 free. She was eighth fastest in the semifinals, claiming the final spot in Sunday's race but not giving herself much chance to duplicate her silver-medal showing at Beijing, where she lost to Germany's Britta Steffen by one-hundredth of a second.
Phelps' last individual event in Rome was a classic tortoise-versus-hare matchup, with Cavic knowing he would need a big lead at the turn, and Phelps fully aware he would have to be close enough to pull it out with his typically strong finish.
The day didn't start well for Phelps. At the warmup pool, he collided with Australian teenager Cate Campbell and broke his goggles.
"We were all a little freaked out," Phelps said. "I was kind of blurry in my left eye a little bit. But it ended up going away. I tried to really just get that out of my head."
Bowman asked if he wanted to drop out.
No way.
The two rivals entered the deck with all the hype of a heavyweight fight. Cavic played right along — patting his heart, crossing himself twice and staring down Phelps as they waited to step up on the blocks. The American was facing Cavic but just looked right past him, as it he wasn't a factor.
"We face each other, but I don't look that way. I look up in the crowd," Phelps said. Still, "it's literally like a straight showdown. It's like boxers coming face to face for a weigh in. I think that's kind of cool for the sport. I think it sort of brings more excitement."
Then, they were off. Cavic knew he was in trouble when Phelps was right on his shoulder as they kicked away from the far wall, just 0.77 separating them.
"I was pretty sure I was going to be ahead at the first turn," said Cavic, who wanted to be at least a second ahead. "When I saw him right there, uh oh."
Phelps appeared to be sneaking underwater glances in Cavic's direction all the way back, then finished in one last swoop of his arms. Bare-chested teammate Ryan Lochte, watching from the sunny side of the stands, kept screaming, "Come on!" Mom Debbie Phelps looked as though she could barely breathe as she watched the finish.
"I felt so good coming off the wall," Phelps said. "My kick off the wall felt really, really good. I saw the splash out of my left eye from his lane coming over, and I saw him getting closer and closer, and I heard the crowd getting louder and louder. I figured it was going to come down to the touch again."
Not really. Unlike Beijing, where Phelps trailed to the last possible split-second before getting ahead of a gliding Cavic, the American was clearly ahead at this finish.
He didn't even hear what Cavic had to say when it was over. The Serbian hung on the lane rope, as if wanting to make peace, but Phelps was too busy celebrating.
"I was very, very strong toward the end," Cavic said. "But Michael Phelps is Michael Phelps and he does what he does — and he did."
No doubt about it.
Cavic also broke 50 seconds, but 49.95 only got him a silver — and plenty of words to eat. He wasn't nearly as close as last year's Beijing Olympics, when Phelps famously won by one-hundredth of a second and Cavic always maintained that he actually touched first.
"That satisfied me a little bit," Phelps quipped with that crooked grin of his. "I set it up perfectly."
When Phelps saw his time at the Foro Italico, he hopped up on the lane rope separating him and Cavic, threw up his arms and let out a scream toward his mom and sister in the stands.
Showing as much emotion as he ever has, Phelps also slapped the water and tugged at his Speedo LZR Racer swimsuit — no doubt in reference to Cavic offering to get Phelps one of those supposedly faster polyurethane suits so he wouldn't have any excuses.
No need, Milorad.
Phelps did just fine with his own attire.
"It doesn't matter what suit you wear," Phelps said. "It matters how you train."
The two rivals finally shook hands, but that was about it.
Nothing more needed to be said.
"He congratulated me and kind of smiled a bit, but I have a feeling that our battle is going to go back and forth for a while," Phelps said.
Cavic did say one thing to Phelps: "You're the man."
"He just looked at me and smiled," Cavic said. "He knows it."
In one of the most memorable events of the Beijing Olympics, Phelps pulled out an improbable victory on his final half-stroke to beat Cavic by the narrowest possible margin. Without that win, Phelps would not have broken Mark Spitz's record with eight gold medals in a single games.
Cavic has stewed over the loss ever since, believing he touched first but didn't put as much pressure on the touchpad as Phelps, who ad-libbed an extra lunge and crashed into the wall much harder. Even though all electronic and photographic evidence shows Phelps won, Cavic repeated his claims when he got to Rome.
He also tried to get into Phelps' head, saying it was the American's own fault for sticking with a Speedo suit that isn't as fast as polyurethane models such as the Arena X-Glide, which Cavic wears.
The Serbian offered to get Phelps an X-Glide "within the hour," or buy him another of the rubberized suits out of his own pocket. Cavic said he would really prefer to race Phelps wearing nothing but briefs, so everyone would know who the best man is without any help from the suits.
Phelps said he would do his talking in the pool.
"He loves the big races, loves the energy," said his coach, Bob Bowman. "He sort of thrives on that, while some other swimmers don't."
Phelps set his second world record of the fastest meet in history and got back the mark Cavic snatched away a night earlier with a time of 51.01 in the semifinals.
Phelps also won his fourth gold medal of the championships, to go along with that silver he grudgingly accepted after losing to Germany's Paul Biedermann in the 200 free. Phelps has one event left — the 400 medley relay Sunday night, assuming the U.S. doesn't mess up in the morning prelims. The Americans will be a heavy favorite in that one, as always.
Three other world records were set Saturday, bringing the total to 39 with one day left at the final meet for high-tech bodysuits.
Kirsty Coventry of Zimbabwe took down her own mark in the 200 backstroke, winning in 2 minutes, 4.81 seconds. Russia's Anastasia Zueva also went under Coventry's old mark of 2:05.24, but 2:04.94 was only good enough for the silver. American Elizabeth Beisel claimed bronze.
China claimed the record in the women's 400-meter medley relay. Li Zhesi finished it off in 3:52.19 to beat the mark set by Australia (3:52.69) at the Beijing Olympics. The Aussies also went under the old mark, settling for silver in 3:52.58. Germany took the bronze.
The winning team also included Zhao Jing, Chen Huijia and Jiao Liuyang.
In a semifinal heat of a non-Olympic event, Britain's Liam Tancock set a world record of 24.08 in the 50 backstroke, eclipsing the mark of 24.33 held by American Randall Bal. Junya Koga of Japan also went under the previous record time to win the second heat at 24.29. The final is Sunday night.
Cesar Cielo of Brazil completed a sweep of the freestyle sprints with the 50-meter title. Cielo added to his title in the 100 with a one-lap time of 21.08 to hold off world-record holder Fred Bousquet (21.21) and fellow Frenchman Amaury Leveaux (21.25).
Managing to win world titles without world records: Australia's Marieke Guehrer in the women's 50 fly and Lotte Friis of Denmark in the women's 800 freestyle. Olympic champion and 800 world-record holder Rebecca Adlington finished fourth.
After switching suits, going from Speedo to Jaked, 42-year-old American Dara Torres barely managed to qualify for the final of the 50 free. She was eighth fastest in the semifinals, claiming the final spot in Sunday's race but not giving herself much chance to duplicate her silver-medal showing at Beijing, where she lost to Germany's Britta Steffen by one-hundredth of a second.
Phelps' last individual event in Rome was a classic tortoise-versus-hare matchup, with Cavic knowing he would need a big lead at the turn, and Phelps fully aware he would have to be close enough to pull it out with his typically strong finish.
The day didn't start well for Phelps. At the warmup pool, he collided with Australian teenager Cate Campbell and broke his goggles.
"We were all a little freaked out," Phelps said. "I was kind of blurry in my left eye a little bit. But it ended up going away. I tried to really just get that out of my head."
Bowman asked if he wanted to drop out.
No way.
The two rivals entered the deck with all the hype of a heavyweight fight. Cavic played right along — patting his heart, crossing himself twice and staring down Phelps as they waited to step up on the blocks. The American was facing Cavic but just looked right past him, as it he wasn't a factor.
"We face each other, but I don't look that way. I look up in the crowd," Phelps said. Still, "it's literally like a straight showdown. It's like boxers coming face to face for a weigh in. I think that's kind of cool for the sport. I think it sort of brings more excitement."
Then, they were off. Cavic knew he was in trouble when Phelps was right on his shoulder as they kicked away from the far wall, just 0.77 separating them.
"I was pretty sure I was going to be ahead at the first turn," said Cavic, who wanted to be at least a second ahead. "When I saw him right there, uh oh."
Phelps appeared to be sneaking underwater glances in Cavic's direction all the way back, then finished in one last swoop of his arms. Bare-chested teammate Ryan Lochte, watching from the sunny side of the stands, kept screaming, "Come on!" Mom Debbie Phelps looked as though she could barely breathe as she watched the finish.
"I felt so good coming off the wall," Phelps said. "My kick off the wall felt really, really good. I saw the splash out of my left eye from his lane coming over, and I saw him getting closer and closer, and I heard the crowd getting louder and louder. I figured it was going to come down to the touch again."
Not really. Unlike Beijing, where Phelps trailed to the last possible split-second before getting ahead of a gliding Cavic, the American was clearly ahead at this finish.
He didn't even hear what Cavic had to say when it was over. The Serbian hung on the lane rope, as if wanting to make peace, but Phelps was too busy celebrating.
"I was very, very strong toward the end," Cavic said. "But Michael Phelps is Michael Phelps and he does what he does — and he did."
No doubt about it.
Love Aaj Kal 2009
Produced by
Saif Ali Khan , Dinesh Vijan , Sunil Lulla
Written by
Imtiaz Ali
Star Cast
Saif Ali Khan - Jai Vardhan Singh
Deepika Padukone - Meera Sharma
Vir Das - Shonty
Shweta Gulati - Younger Harleen
Rishi Kapoor - Later Veer Singh
Movie Synopsis: Jai and Meera are a modern-day couple in London. They are very happy together but do not believe in tying each other down. So when life pulls them in different directions, they decide to go with the flow. "These Heer-Ranjha, Romeo-Juliet type janam janam ka saath type couples exist only in story books," Jai says. In the real life, we have to be practical.
Saif Ali Khan , Dinesh Vijan , Sunil Lulla
Written by
Imtiaz Ali
Star Cast
Saif Ali Khan - Jai Vardhan Singh
Deepika Padukone - Meera Sharma
Vir Das - Shonty
Shweta Gulati - Younger Harleen
Rishi Kapoor - Later Veer Singh
Movie Synopsis: Jai and Meera are a modern-day couple in London. They are very happy together but do not believe in tying each other down. So when life pulls them in different directions, they decide to go with the flow. "These Heer-Ranjha, Romeo-Juliet type janam janam ka saath type couples exist only in story books," Jai says. In the real life, we have to be practical.
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