Namrata shrestha is the latest Gossip girl after her video scandal lately. Its up to you to decide whether its real or just created to harm her upgrowing popularity. Well here's a good gossip on the scandal By Alex Alvarez .
Twenty-three-year-old Nepalese actress and model Namrata Shrestha is at the center of a huge controversy after her sex tape was leaked to the public. The most controversial aspect of this scandal, however, might be be the fact that Shrestha has shrugged the whole thing off instead of acting ashamed and apologetic.
The video co-starred Chris Sutula, aka “DJ Tantrik,” who happens to be married.
Some members of the Nepalese press believe Shrestha’s attitude towards her video reflects a change in Nepalese society and attitudes towards sex:
Parallels are being drawn between it and the Shrisha Karki scandal that erupted in 2002, creating a furore, intense social condemnation and even police action…In 2002, Shrisha, another aspiring starlet, committed suicide after a weekly published a report exposing the casting couch syndrome in Nepal’s film industry which exploited Shrisha and other vulnerable newcomers like her…However, the nude photograph of Shrisha, published by the Jana Aastha weekly with its report on enforced prostitution in the Nepali film industry caused the young actress to commit suicide, triggering a backlash against the weekly…”I had to remain underground for one and a half years,” says Kishor Shrestha, the 39-year-old editor of the weekly, who in 2002 faced a warrant for his arrest due to growing social outcry.
Shrestha’s attitude towards her tape is refreshing, (despite that tape revealing an ill-advised tryst with a married person) especially at a time when so many U.S. and Latin American celebrities feel the need to act shocked and embarrassed even as their careers soar after their involvement in a sex tape. Much of the American public’s reactions to these videos include a healthy dose of skepticism, especially when stars’ sexual exploits are leaked just as they are about to promote a new movie or reality series (we’re looking at you, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian), or when stars refuse to take responsibility for their involvement in a sex tape, a la Noelia, yet continue to discuss them, over and over and over, with the press.
Shrestha’s decision to take ownership for her actions and not be ashamed of the fact that, hey, she has sex (again, albeit with someone who was not single) might work to change perceptions about female sexuality in Nepal, especially given the case of Shrisha Karki, which revealed that women in the entertainment industry were victims of sexual exploitation rather than the keepers of their own sexuality.
People have sex. Women have sex. Sometimes, women have sex on tape. Yes, it is invasive and possibly embarrassing when evidence of this is shown to strangers, but that doesn’t make the fact that a woman had and enjoyed sex something shameful. Even if she might want to stick to taping herself with unmarried men in the future.
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